cup lanterns

This project is a great way to upcycle any clear plastic containers you have at home. Rinse out those beverage cups, to-go containers or clamshell containers. Make sure they are clean, grease-free and completely dry to ensure your decorations stick well. This project is also a great way to give new life to your holiday wrapping materials. Thinner paper, like tissue paper, works best. But don’t be afraid to try wrapping paper.


*Cut or tear your tissue paper. Try making old fashioned snowflakes by folding and cutting your tissue paper. Cut hearts and stars and other shapes to create an interesting lantern. Torn edges will give you an organic feel to your project.

*Water down your white glue and mix it thoroughly. You should mix your glue and water about 50/50. It is better to have more glue than water.

*Using your sponge, pay on a thin layer of glue onto your plastic container. Apply the glue in a space larger than the shape you want to stick to your container.

*Place your tissue paper shape onto the glued area. Gently pat more glue over your tissue paper shape to stick it down completely. If you try to “paint” on your glue, your tissue paper shapes will move, bunch, roll or tear. The trick is to pat not paint for a smooth finish. You may have some small creases in your tissue paper shape. Continue this step to cover your container. Layer your tissue paper shapes to create depth and an interesting designs on your lantern.

*Let your creation dry completely before you close it. The glue will leave an opaque or frosted finish on the clear plastic.

Hints and Tips

School glue is a water-based product. It is not water resistant. If you want to make a weather resistant lantern, try these techniques:

 Apply your glue and tissue paper to the inside of your clear container. Place the shapes you would like to be most prominent down first and build your background up.

If you decorate the outside of your container, let the glue dry completely and seal it with a clear acrylic spray paint. This can be purchased at craft or hardware stores.

Rince your sponge out with warm water when you are finished with your project. Squeeze out any remaining water. You will be ably to use your sponge over again for other lantern projects.